Design criteria became better defined, allowing safety
factors to be reduced and allowing fabricators to avoid having to over-build
structures. The use of non-destructive testing, such as acoustic emissions
analysis, provided validation tools that increased buyer confidence in FRP Cooling Towers products. A coating
could interfere with a visual inspection of the FRP surface.
Our HR & Recruitment professionals are highly
competitive and touched the deep inside of the regional requirements. We are in
a position to arrange all kind of professionals, Managers, technicians, skilled
tradesmen covering most of the trades & industries like Oil & Gas,
Manufacturing, Construction, Hospitality, Shopping Malls, Sales and Marketing
staff, Staff for Corporate Offices….etc. FRP Cooling
Towers in Pakistan believe in
professionalism and apply in our business by providing the right candidates for
our reputed clients.
Unreinforced Masonry buildings in moderate to high seismic
areas can be a disaster in waiting. These types of structures have little or no
ductility required for structures to prevent loss of life in a seismic
event. Many of these buildings are in densely populated areas, have historical
meaning, and can be costly to retrofit. Fortunately, there are tools available
for Cooling Towers engineers to
assess and design the needed retrofits to mitigate the potential loss of life
and increase the seismic resiliency of these buildings.